Price Mellon Graduate Fellow

Leslie Jones

PhD Candidate, Sociology

Leslie Jones is a PhD Candidate in the Department of Sociology, specializing in race and gender, critical race theory, online social media, and collective mobilization. In her dissertation, she argues that Black women are forming intellectual “salons” through online social media, in which they are making groundbreaking theoretical contributions toward the public understanding of race and gender. 

Leslie is an active member of the Digital Humanities community. She is a 2017-2018 Mellon doctoral fellow in the Price Lab for Digital Humanities at Penn as well as a coordinator of the annual Digital Sociology Mini-Conference at the Eastern Sociological Society. During the 2017 summer, Leslie supervised a cohort of Digital Scholarship Fellows in creating digital infrastructure for the Mural Arts Monument Lab project. 

Beyond her research, Leslie is deeply committed to the university community. She has served as the President of the Black Graduate and Professional Student Assembly (BGAPSA), the Deputy of the IDEAL Council, and a graduate fellow for the Africana Summer Institute.