Price Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow

Sayan Bhattacharyya

Comparative Literature, Information Science, Computer Science and Engineering

Sayan Bhattacharyya is Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow at the Price Lab for Digital Humanities. His interests encompass both hands-on development of tools and techniques for computational analysis and interpretation in the humanities, and cultural and epistemological critique of these methods. His ongoing projects include: developing computational approaches towards metrics for textual qualities such as descriptiveness; understanding race, class and the colonial encounter through computational methods; and pedagogy using digitized textual sources in multilingual contexts. He is especially interested in the intersection of digital humanities with postcolonial theory and criticism.

His recent articles include 'Text(s) in a world of scaling-up: Heterogeneity as loss in big data' (forthcoming in Fall 2017) and his recent and upcoming conference presentations include 'Big-Data oriented text analysis for the humanities:  Pedagogical use of the HathiTrust+Bookworm tool' (Digital Humanities 2017, Montreal) and 'Categorical order: Scaling up in digital text repositories'  (School of Oriental and African Studies, London, CCLPS Conference on Decolonising the Cultural Institution, 2017).