Sayan Bhattacharyya
Comparative Literature, Information Science, Computer Science and Engineering
Sayan Bhattacharyya is Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow at the Price Lab for Digital Humanities. His interests encompass both hands-on development of tools and techniques for computational analysis and interpretation in the humanities, and cultural and epistemological critique of these methods. His ongoing projects include: developing computational approaches towards metrics for textual qualities such as descriptiveness; understanding race, class and the colonial encounter through computational methods; and pedagogy using digitized textual sources in multilingual contexts. He is especially interested in the intersection of digital humanities with postcolonial theory and criticism.
His recent articles include 'Text(s) in a world of scaling-up: Heterogeneity as loss in big data' (forthcoming in Fall 2017) and his recent and upcoming conference presentations include 'Big-Data oriented text analysis for the humanities: Pedagogical use of the HathiTrust+Bookworm tool' (Digital Humanities 2017, Montreal) and 'Categorical order: Scaling up in digital text repositories' (School of Oriental and African Studies, London, CCLPS Conference on Decolonising the Cultural Institution, 2017).