Past Events

November 2, 2020 - ONLINE

Mellon DH Seminar

Whitney Trettien
Price Lab for Digital Humanities
October 19, 2020 - ONLINE

Mellon DH Seminar

Kathleen Fitzpatrick
Price Lab for Digital Humanities
October 5, 2020 - ONLINE

Mellon DH Seminar

Aaron Roth
Price Lab for Digital Humanities
September 21, 2020 - ONLINE

Mellon DH Seminar

Sylvester Johnson
Price Lab for Digital Humanities
September 7, 2020 - LOCATION TBD

Mellon DH Seminar

Price Lab for Digital Humanities
March 30, 2020 - Annenberg Room 500

CANCELED: Jasbir Puar (Rutgers University)

School of Social Policy and Practice, the Annenberg School for Communication, the Provost Office Excellence Through Diversity Fund, and Price Lab for Digital Humanities

CANCELED: Denise Ferreira da Silva (University of British Columbia)

School of Social Policy and Practice, the Annenberg School for Communication, the Provost Office Excellence Through Diversity Fund, and Price Lab for Digital Humanities
March 23, 2020 - Williams Hall 623

CANCELED Varieties of Digital Literary Studies: Macro, Micro, Meso?

Price Lab for Digital Humanities
March 5, 2020 - Williams Hall 623

Talking Book: From Literacy to Orality

Price Lab for Digital Humanities
March 5, 2020 - Williams Hall Rm 623

Novels in the News

Price Lab for Digital Humanities