Abeer Aloush, Ph.D.

Lecturer, Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations

Prashant Kumar

Ph.D. Candidate, History and Sociology of Science

Starting Points for the DH Novice

What I Learned at DH Camp
December 9, 2015 - 12:00pm1:30pm

Meyerson Conference Center, Van Pelt Library

Abeer Aloush, Ph.D.

Lecturer, Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations

Prashant Kumar

Ph.D. Candidate, History and Sociology of Science

NOTE, Dec 9: Prashant Kumar will not be participating due to illness.

Fresh from digital humanities bootcamps this summer, two training grant recipients share their new-found DH knowledge. Penn lecturer Abeer Aloush and grad student Prashant Kumar explore what they've learned and how they plan to implement these DH tools in their own research.

Abeer Aloush | "DH and Professionalization"
Aloush will present some of the key points from the popular DHSI course on how to build a professional identity and skillset suitable for a career in DH. Focusing on strategies for early-stage scholars (doctoral students and newly-hired faculty), she will discuss professional networking, collaborative research, and ways to maintain an effective online presence.  

Prashant Kumar | "Thinking in Trees: Humanities Workflow with Git"
Prashant will present the basics of Git, a free and widely used “versioning” tool. Git can help you structure and manage all kinds of research and writing projects, both digital and otherwise.

Lunch will be provided.