En Marge Du Journal d'Helene Berr

En Marge Du Journal d'Helene Berr

The annotated diary of Helene Berr
Project Team Members

Mélanie Péron

Senior Lecturer in Foreign Language


Iris Péron-Ames, technical lead

Project Start Date: 
May, 2024

Hélène Berr (1921-1945) was a young Jewish woman living in Paris during the Nazi occupation. She recorded in her journal her experiences as a Jewish student at La Sorbonne, as a volunteer at the General Union of French Israelites and, above all, as a young woman trying to leave a trace of what was happening for after.  This project is a reading companion to her journal, whose references can be difficult to understand today, providing historical documents, biographical information about the many people mentioned as well as pictures.

