Price Mellon Research Fellow

Emily Hammer

Assistant Professor, Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations Department, University of Pennsylvania

Emily Hammer is an archaeologist and Assistant Professor in the Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations Department. She has worked in Turkey, Azerbaijan, the UAE, Afghanistan, and Iraq on both archaeology and cultural heritage projects. Her archaeological projects investigate the earliest cities in Mesopotamia and South Caucasia and the history of mobile pastoralism in Southwest Asia. In both fieldwork and laboratory projects, she has developed innovative digital datasets and methodologies that advance the field of landscape and environmental archaeology. Three of her recent collaborative projects have produced significant methodological contributions related to archival aerial imagery (U2 and Hexagon spy photography), computational methods for cultural heritage management, and climate modeling. In her role as Global Data Manager for the collaborative working group called LandCover6K, she helps lead a team working to synthesize and re-format archaeological data on past human land-use for incorporation into models of climate and anthropogenic land-cover change (ALCC).

Head shot of Prof. Emily Hammer